Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can green tea prevent cancer?

Almost every week, a new disease is supposedly cured or prevented by green tea. Millions of people drink green tea because they believe it has some type of miraculous healing powers. Therefore, the question is, “can green tea prevent cancer?”

A few reputable studies in the English literature have looked at the effects of green tea as an aid in preventing cancer. The conclusion was simple- it does diddlysquat.  Chinese people have been drinking green tea for centuries, and yet millions of Chinese die from a variety of cancers. Green tea is nothing more than a social beverage- it has zero cancer preventive actions.

The only good thing about green tea is that it has no harmful effects even if you drink and shower with it every day. The only people who benefit from green tea are the people who sell this bland beverage at exorbitant prices. If you want to prevent cancer, eat healthy, exercise, do not smoke and leave the rest to fate- stop wasting your hard-earned money listening to charlatans.